Friday, April 29, 2022

Strategic Importance of Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Critical Analysis)


The ANI are two groups of islands: Andaman Islands and the Nicobar Islands, covering an area of 8,249 sq km. The entire island chain consists of 836 islands including islets and rocky outcrops, of which some 38 are permanently inhabited. The islands are governed as a single Union Territory by the Central Government of India, through the

Andaman Nicobar Administration. The ANI is also home to India’s only integrated tri-service command of the armed forces—the Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC) for maritime surveillance and enhancing India’s strategic presence in the eastern Indian Ocean.

Strategic Importance of ANI : 

  • Securing SLOC - These islands act as a physical barrier that secures busy Sea Lines of Communications (SLOC) by creating a series of chokepoints: The Preparis Channel in the north, the Ten Degree Channel between the Andaman and Nicobar Island groups and the Six Degree Channel to the south. 

  • While the first two sea lanes are used infrequently by commercial shipping, all vessels that pass through the Malacca Strait must traverse the Six Degree Channel. For instance, the channel acts as the primary conduit for India-ASEAN trade ($ 78 billion in 2021).

  • Countering increasing Chinese presence ➔ China’s efforts to expand its footprint in the Indian Ocean Region to overcome its ‘Malacca Dilemma’ (China’s fear of a maritime blockade at the Straits of Malacca’) and fulfil its ‘Maritime Silk Road’ ambitions have fueled apprehensions about freedom of navigation in these waters. 

  • By gaining ground at critical chokepoints, China could use them to its benefit during any future conflict or a standoff with India. 

  • ANI’s strategic location allows India to pursue sea denial warfare strategy (denying the adversary the use of the near sea) to dictate terms in littoral space.

  • Net security provider ➔ India can also leverage the potential of these islands to protect its own interests and burnish its image as the ‘net security provider’ in the region. 

  • Connection with Southeast Asia ➔ Containing about 30 percent of India’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), ANI connects South Asia with Southeast Asia. The northernmost point of this archipelago is merely 22 nautical miles from Myanmar and the southernmost point, Indira Point, is only 90 nautical miles from Indonesia.

  • Important fulcrum of Indo-pacific ➔ The ANI are at the intersection of the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, and further to the Pacific Ocean, an important fulcrum of the strategic concept of the Indo-Pacific.

Challenges in Strategic Development : 

  •  Inadequate attention to strategic importance of ANI ➔ A section of India’s foreign policy community has argued against turning the islands into a strategic- military hub, on the grounds that it wouldn’t sit well with Southeast Asian countries, who perceive India to be benevolent and benign power. 
  • Slow pace of development ➔ Internet connectivity, even at the naval base in the capital Port Blair, is reported to be erratic. Road building, airstrip construction, and even the building of jetties has been slow or non-existent.

  • Institutional reluctance ➔ Notwithstanding episodic visits by other navies, there exists some traditional institutional reluctance towards allowing port visits to the ANI by foreign navies in general and the US Navy in particular. 

  • If naval vessels and military aircraft of other major navies become regular visitors, it could accentuate China’s ‘Malacca Dilemma’.

  • Ecological Fragility ➔ Establishing a credible Aerial and Naval presence in this ecologically fragile and ethnographically extremely sensitive region presents complex challenges. The governance parameters were regulated under a protectionist regime to ensure the preservation of natural resources. 

  • The state machinery was also designed in a way that imposes structural limitations on development projects. 

  • These were further sustained by environmentalists, anthropologists and social scientists and backed by the Supreme Court, which favoured environmental conservation in its judgements regarding the islands.

Other challenges ➔ 

  • The absence of a human presence on hundreds of these islands has made them vulnerable to narcotics smuggling, intrusion by foreign vessels, and other incursions. 

  • Heavy rainfall restricts building activity to six months a year and the distance from mainland adds to the cost of construction as all material must be shipped to the islands. 

  • Few companies are willing to work on the islands because of the distance and cost. For some materials, importing from Indonesia would be far cheaper and more cost effective than sending shipments from the Indian mainland.

Initiative taken By GOI : 

  • Maritime hub ➔ In 2015, the government announced a INR 100,000-million plan to develop the islands into the country’s first maritime hub. It aims to develop facilities, such as telecommunications, electricity, and water which will help in building and expanding strategic capabilities. 

  • Declining protectionism ➔ In 2019, a new Island Coastal Regulation Zone Notification was promulgated, allowing land reclamation for ports, harbours and jetties. This is expected to usher in luxury tourism in Smith, Aves and Long Islands, and water aerodromes in Neil and Havelock islands. Allowing such projects will help in creating strategic infrastructure.

  • Maritime exercises ➔ ANC conducts joint maritime exercises such as the Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise and Coordinated Patrols with Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia. It also conducts MILAN, a biennial multilateral naval exercise, to build friendship across the seas. 

  • Twenty countries participated in the 2018 MILAN edition, making it the largest naval exercise in the Andaman Sea.

Others ➔ 

  • The Chennai-Andaman and Nicobar undersea internet cable was inaugurated to provide high-speed internet connection to seven remote islands of the ANI chain —i.e., Swaraj Dweep (Havelock), Little Andaman, Car Nicobar, Kamorta, Great Nicobar, Long Island, and Rangat. 

  • The commander-in-chief of the ANC has been empowered to requisition military assets from the three services, handle land acquisition cases, and been granted additional financial powers.

  • In 2018, India and Indonesia, set up a special task force to enhance connectivity between the ANI and the port of Sabang in Aceh to promote trade, tourism and people-to-people contacts. 

  • An India-Japan cross-servicing agreement, which has provisions for the ANC to host Japanese warships, is under consideration.

Road ahead : 

  • Encouraging migration ➔ There is a need to consider encouraging migration from the mainland and open up some of the strategically located uninhabited islands to tourism. That would give India a stronger physical footprint and would help the country track the movement of vessels and people. 

  • Strategic infrastructure ➔ In a bid to emphasises its regional pre-eminence, the Indian Navy in recent times has raised the tempo of naval operations in the Bay of Bengal. Reinforcing strategic infrastructure on the islands is a way of highlighting India’s combat process.

  • Cooperation with strategic partners ➔ Port visits by US, Japan, Australia, France or the UK can lead to further graded cooperation in all the dimensions in the ANI between India and its key strategic partners. 

  • Engagement with ASEAN ➔ There lies an opportunity to make ANI an important element of “Act East Policy” of engaging with countries in the region east of India.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Northeast Region (NER) India (Critical Analysis)


Northeast India (officially North Eastern Region, NER) is the easternmost region of India representing both a geographic and political administrative division of the country. It comprises eight states – Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim. The Northeast region can be physiographically categorised into the Eastern Himalaya, the Patkai and the Brahmaputra and the Barak valley plains. Northeast India (at the confluence of Indo-Malayan, Indo-Chinese, and Indian biogeographical realms) has a predominantly humid subtropical climate with hot, humid summers, severe monsoons, and mild winters. Along with the west coast of India, this region has some of the Indian subcontinent's last remaining rainforests, which support diverse flora and fauna and several crop species. Reserves of petroleum and natural gas in the region are estimated to constitute a fifth of India's total potential. The region is covered by the mighty Brahmaputra-Barak river systems and their tributaries. Geographically, apart from the Brahmaputra, Barak and Imphal valleys and some flatlands in between the hills of Meghalaya and Tripura, the remaining two-thirds of the area is hilly terrain interspersed with valleys and plains; the altitude varies from almost sea-level to over 7,000 metres (23,000 fts) above MSL. The region's high rainfall, averaging around 10,000 millimetres (390 in) and above, creates problems of the ecosystem, high seismic activity, and floods. The states of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim have a montane climate with cold, snowy winters and mild summers. 

Latest developments In NER : 

  • Border issues: Assam and Meghalaya signed an agreement to resolve the five decade old border dispute.

  •  Assam, with the maximum border dispute in the region, got into a proactive border dialogue.

  • The dialogue on the state's border disputes with Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram are continuing at a steady Pace and progress is being made in the other disputes as well.

  • In January 2022, Assam and Nagaland agreed to settle their disputes out of court and talks are on with Arunachal Pradesh to solve the 122 disputed sites.

  • There are regular engagements between Assam - Mizoram to maintain peace and work out the permanent solution.

  • Reduction of disturbed areas under AFSPA :  the union home ministry decided to reduce the disturbed area under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in Assam, Nagaland and Manipur after decades.

  • DAN has been in force in the whole of Assam since 1990, in all of Manipur since 2004 and in the whole of Nagaland since 1995.

  • Peace efforts : The Government of India has tried its best to accommodate the demand of the tribal groups and other inhabitants in the region, within the framework of the Indian constitution. Peace has been witnessed in most places across Assam, and even in Nagaland and Manipur talks with various Groups for the permanent solution had resulted in a cessation of violence.

  • The NLFT Tripura agreement (August 2019), The Bru agreement (January 2020),The Bodo peace accord (January 2020),Karbi Anglong Agreement (September 2021) has actually resulted in about 7000 militants surrendering their arms.

  • In 2021, militancy incidents had reduced by 74% compared to 2014 and security personals and civilians death have also come down by 60% and 84%, respectively, during this period.

  •  Other efforts :  government efforts to address the issues of the Northeast and have been moving according to strategic plan which is premised on three objectives -  ending all disputes, ushering in economic progress and taking the region's contribution to GDP Back to its pre-Independence levels, and making efforts to maintain and preserve the region's language, dialect, dance, music, food and culture and make it attractive for the whole country.

Challenges to the Development of NER : 

  • Difficult terrain : it is majorly a mountainous region, except the state of Assam, which has plains as a major part of  its area. This makes it difficult for the government schemes to be implemented in the area.

  • Connectivity :  it is a landlocked region. Therefore, it has Limited access to the sea. Similarly, it is difficult terrain that renders expressways and wider roads infeasible. This is completed by the absence of railway infrastructure in the region. 

  • Backward Areas : the people of the NER are still content with a simple lifestyle and lack of technology in their day by day lives.

  • The standard of living continues to be low, due to the absence of high income generation opportunities.

  • Insurgency :  one of the major reasons for the lack of development in the region is lack of political and social stability in the country.

  • The artificial boundaries of the British Legacy have not been fully accepted by the tribal communities of the region, which is compounded by political opportunism.

  • The region is still caught in the vicious circle of the violence due to political regions and the diversion of youth towards the insurgent groups, which leads to the lack of skill enhancement and consequent lack of opportunity.

Government's efforts : 

  • The North East Industrial Development Scheme 2017 :  it has come into force with effect from 2017 for the period of 5 years. The scheme covers the manufacturing and service sector of all the states of North East region, including Sikkim.

  • Niti forum for North East : constituted for accelerated, inclusive and sustainable development in the Northeast region, has identified five focus sectors,viz. Tea, Tourism, Bamboo, dairy and Pisciculture.

  • Swades Darshan scheme : under the Ministry of Tourism, 16 projects with themes of Heritage, wildlife, spiritual, tribal, Echo-adventure etc with a total amount of 1337.63 crore has been sectioned.

  • PRASHAD Schemes : under the pilgrimage rejuvenation and spiritual Heritage augmentation drive scheme, development of Kamakhya Devi Temple and pilgrimage facilitation of Nagaland and Meghalaya has been sectioned. Further, Kaziranga National Park has been identified under the iconic site Development Scheme.

  •  The Ministry of Development of North East Eastern region, under its various schemes like non lapsable central pool of resources and its successor North East special infrastructure development scheme, schemes of North East Eastern Council and North East Road sector Development Scheme has also taken steps to bridge the social and physical infrastructure gap.

  • Digital North East vision 2022 :  it was launched by the Union Minister of Electronics & IT in Guwahati. The vision document emphasise leveraging digital technologies to transform the lives of people of the northeast and enhance the ease of living.

  • Pan India schemes :  In addition, various Pan India schemes are being implemented in north eastern states for their sustainable development, e.g., Jal Jeevan Mission, Atal mission for rejuvenation and urban transformation, Swachh Bharat mission, etc.

In the end, The efforts by the union government to make the Northeastern region the main pillar of act East policy has been useful in bringing a sense of political stability that is very crucial for optimal economic development and capacity enhancement in the region. These development are significant for restoring normalcy and enabling perception changes about the Northeastern region.

Monday, April 25, 2022

The Inherent Benefits of Agroforestry (Critical Analysis)

                     @propopulus_eu (Twitter)

Agroforestry is a land use system that integrates trees, crops and animals in a way that is scientifically sound. It integrates trees and scrubs on formland and rural landscape to enhance productivity, profitability, diversity and Ecosystem sustainability.
economic value - it meets almost half of the country's fuelwood needs, about two-third of the small Timber demand, 70-80% of the plywood requirement, 60% of the raw material for the paper pulp industry and 9-11% of the green fodder needs. tree products and tree services also contribute rebustly to rural livelihoods. Fruit, fodder, fuel, Fibres, fertiliser and timber add to food and nutritional security, income generation and work as insurance against crop failure.
Carbon sequestration - Agroforestry is tree-based farming is an established nature based activity that can aid carbon neutral growth. It enhances trees' cover outside forests, works as a surrogate for natural forest sequestering carbon, keeps the pressure off natural forests, and helps increase farmer's income.
Lower consumption of fertilisers - Nitrogen fixing trees grown in Agroforestry systems are capable of fixing about 50-100 kg nitrogen per hectare per year - one of the most promising components of the Agroforestry system. The leaf litter after decompositions forms humus, releases nutrients and improves various soil properties, it also reduces the fertiliser needs. Due to lower requirement of chemical fertilisers Agroforestry can supplement organic farming.
Global climate goals - Agroforestry can also help India meet its International obligations on - Climate creating an additional carbon sink of 2.5-3 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030 and net zero by 2070. Desertification achieved 26 million hectare of land degradation neutrality by 2030, thus meeting 9 of the 17 sustainable development goals.
Ecology friendly - use of lesser Chemicals will also help in mitigating anthropogenic effects on climate. Agroforestry helps in erosion control and water retention, nutrients recycling, carbon storage, biodiversity Preservation and cleaner air and helps communities withstand extreme weather events.

India's response to Agroforestry :
In 2014, India became the first country to adopt an Agroforestry policy - National Agroforestry policy (NAP) - to promote employment, productivity and environmental conservation.
In 2016, NAP was launched with nearly 1000 crore to transform Agroforestry into a national effect with the tagline: "Har medh par ped" (trees on every field boundary).
In the 22-23 Union budget, the finance Minister of India announced that the government of India would promote Agroforestry.

Issues in adopting Agroforestry :
Lack of information among farmers, Agroforestry has not become a movement it should have. For a long time the subject fell between the cracks of agriculture and Forestry with no ownership by either sector. Most of the farmers are small and marginal, having small fields (less than two hectare). In this area it is economically and spatially Agroforestry is unviable.

How to promote Agroforestry :
Cooperative, self-help groups, farmer-producer Organisations(FPOs) - must be promoted for building capacities to foster the expansion of three based farming and value chain development. It is possible to target at least 10% of the formland to be covered by trees. Policymakers should incorporate Agroforestry in all policies relating to land use and natural resource management and encourage government investments in Agroforestry related infrastructure and in the establishment of Sustainable Enterprises. Scientists and researchers can develop location specific tree based technologies that complement the crop and livestock systems for sustainable livelihoods, factor in gender concern, and incorporate the feedback from the local communities.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

एस.जयशंकर: लाज़वाब विदेशमंत्री (समीक्षा)

वर्ष 1959 में रिलीज हुए अमेरिकी एल्बम 'The Hitmakers' को सुनकर उस किशोर (एस. जयशंकर) की रूचि केवल संगीत में ही नहीं जागी, बल्कि विश्व को जानने की ललक और भी बढ़ गई।  समय बीता और आज लगभग 45 वर्ष के बाद वही किशोर अमेरिकियों को उन्हीं की धरती पर अपनी मखमली और दृढ़ रवैये से करारा जवाब देता है। मूलतः तमिलनाडु से संबंध रखने वाले जयशंकर दिल्ली में पले-बढ़े। जेएनयू में पढ़े जयशंकर ने राजनीति शास्त्र में परास्नातक करने के बाद पीएचडी भी की। विदेश को जानना उनका बचपन का प्यार जैसा रहा। ऐसे हैं आज के भारत के विदेश मंत्री सुब्रमण्यम जयशंकर,

 बीते सप्ताह, भारत के आंतरिक मामलों में अमेरिकी दखल पर जयशंकर का सख्त संदेश और रूस से तेल ना खरीदने पर विदेशी मीडिया को गिरेबां में झांकने की सलाह देता 'An Afternoon' वाला करारा जवाब यह बताने के लिए काफी है कि दुबली-पतली काया के स्वामी जयशंकर बेहद सख्त प्रशासक और जानकार मंत्री हैं।

 बीते दिनों टू प्लस टू वार्ता के बाद साझा प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में अमेरिकी विदेश मंत्री ने कहा कि भारत में हाल ही में हुई घटनाओं पर अमेरिका निगाह बनाए हुए है उसके उपरांत जयशंकर ने जैसे को तैसा के अंदाज में अमेरिका को जवाब दे दिया। शब्द देखिए, "मैं बताना चाहता हूं कि हम भी अन्य लोगों के मानवाधिकार उल्लंघन के मामलों पर निगाह रखते हैं और इसमें अमेरिका भी शामिल है" और साथ ही उन्होंने अमेरिका में दो सिखों के साथ हुई घटनाओं का जिक्र कर हाथ कंगन को आरसी क्या….., की तर्ज पर अपने बयान को सही साबित कर दिया।

 जयशंकर विदेश सेवा से आकर विदेश मंत्री बनने वाले पहले शख्स नहीं है, उनसे पहले कांग्रेस शासन में नटवर सिंह ऐसे विदेश मंत्री थे जो विदेश सेवा से आए थे लेकिन एस. जयशंकर की बात ही अलग है। वह विदेश सचिव से विदेश मंत्री बनने पहले ऐसे राजनयिक हैं जिन्हें विदेश मंत्रालय का राजनीतिक नियंत्रण भी सौंपा गया। किसी को कुछ नहीं पता था जब 2015 में विदेश सचिव बनने वाले जयशंकर को रिटायरमेंट के केवल 16 महीने बाद ही वह मिला जिसकी वह कल्पना भी नहीं कर रहे थे और ना ही किसी को अंदाजा था। जयशंकर को देश का विदेश मंत्री बनाया गया नई जिम्मेदारी मिलने के बाद वह मीडिया के कैमरों के फ्लैश की चमक के बीच खड़े थे तो अधिक लोगों को अंदाजा नहीं था कि दुबली-पतली काया वाला यह शख्स अपनी स्पष्टवादिता, कूटनीति के अथाह ज्ञान और मधुर किंतु सख्त संदेश देने वाली वाणी के साथ पूरे विश्व में भारत की एक अलग छवि का शिल्पकार बनेगा।

  •  विदेश सचिव के तौर पर चीन के खिलाफ बेहद सख्त रवैया अपनाया बेल्ट एंड रोड इनीशिएटिव पर भारत का मजबूत पक्ष रखा।

  •  2012 में अमेरिका में भारतीय राजनयिक देवयानी खोबरागड़े के साथ एयरपोर्ट पर तलाशी की घटना के बाद कूटनीतिक विवाद को सहजता से सुलझाया।

  •  अमेरिका के साथ परमाणु करार करवाने में भी अहम भूमिका रही।

  •  यूक्रेन को लेकर अपना ही नैरेटिव पेश करने में लगे पश्चिम ने जब रूस से उर्जा आयात पर भारत पर बेवजह आरोप मढ़े तो जयशंकर ने बहुत ही सधे अंदाज में कहा, "आपका ध्यान यूरोप की तरफ होना चाहिए हम रूस से जितना तेल एक माह में खरीदते हैं उतना तो यूरोप दोपहर भर में खरीद लेता है" 

  • जम्मू कश्मीर से अनुच्छेद 370 हटाने के बाद विदेशी मीडिया में एक नैरेटिव सेट करने का कुत्सित प्रयास हो रहा था तो जयशंकर ने कैसे धाराप्रवाह अंदाज में 1947 से जम्मू कश्मीर के इतिहास से लेकर संविधान में दी गई और अस्थाई व्यवस्थाओं पर शांत भाव से बिना हिचकिचाहट के, बिना कोई दस्तावेज देखे, चेहरे पर अटल आत्मविश्वास लिए भारत की बात सामने रखी थी। वह वीडियो आज भी यूट्यूब वायरल है।

 इस प्रकार विदेशमंत्री एस. जयशंकर अपनी दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति, सच्ची देशभक्ति और यूं कहें कि एक सख्त प्रशासक से जानकार विदेशमंत्री के रूप में हम सभी के बीच में अपने कर्तव्यों का निर्वहन कर रहे हैं।

Saturday, April 23, 2022

ट्रॉपिकल (उष्णकटिबंधीय) जंगलों का संरक्षण (समीक्षा)

Aerial view of peatland forest at Lokolama/Penzele around Mbandaka, Équateur province, DRC @Greenpeace

आज के समाज की नैतिक जिम्मेदारी है कि पर्यावरण के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर विचार विमर्श करके उसे संरक्षण प्रदान करें। पर्यावरण के विभिन्न पहलुओं में से एक है ट्रॉपिकल (उष्णकटिबंधीय) जंगलों का संरक्षण, 

हमारे जंगल जो परोक्ष रूप से कार्बन का अवशोषण करते है जिनमे ट्रॉपिकल जंगल मुख्य है,का संरक्षण प्रमुखता की विषयवस्तु है। विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों के शोधों में इस बात को प्रमुखता दी है कि कार्बन अवशोषण की क्षमता का ह्रास होना मानवीय मूल्यों की नैतिकता के ह्रास को दर्शाता है। मानवीय गतिविधियों के कारण ग्रीनहाउस गैस की मात्रा में भी लगातार वृद्धि हो रही है।ऐसे में धरती को बचाने के लिए ट्रॉपिकल जंगलों का संरक्षण बेहद जरूरी हो जाता है इससे न केवल कार्बन की मात्रा नियंत्रण में रहेगी ,बल्कि तापमान वृद्धि में भी कमी आएगी।

जंगलों की कटाई से नुकसान:वनों को कटाई से बचाने से आस - पास के क्षेत्रों में इसके तात्कालिक असर (कार्बन की मात्रा में कमी, तापमान में अंतर, मौसमी विसंगतियों में कमी) जरूर नज़र आए है। इसका उदाहरण अमेज़न है जिसके परिणाम स्वरूप पूरे अमेज़न बेसिन में कुल बायोमास का ५.१ प्रतिशत अतिरिक्त नुकसान हुआ है। ऐसे ही कांगो बेसिन में जंगल की कटाई से ३.८ प्रतिशत अतिरिक्त बायोमास का नुकसान हुआ। ट्रॉपिकल वान अपने भूमिगत बायोमास में लगभग 200 पेटाग्राम (एक पेटाग्राम एक ट्रिलियन किलोग्राम के बराबर होता है।) कार्बन जमा करते है। 2010 से वनों की कटाई हर साल उस कार्बन का लगभग एक पेटाग्राम हटा रही है। दूसरे शब्दों में कहें तो इनकी कटाई से कार्बन के जमा होने में कमी सा रही है और वातावरण में कार्बन की मात्रा बढ़ रही है।

अतः यह कहा जा सकता है की जंगलों की कटाई से आस पास के क्षेत्रों पर हवा,तापमान और वर्षा पर निश्चित रूप से प्रभाव पड़ता है जो कार्बन की मात्रा को भी बढ़ाता है।