Friday, June 30, 2023

Urban Heat Islands (Analysis)


🔆 Urban Heat Islands

✅ Urban Heat Islands (UHI) are urbanized areas that experience higher temperatures than outlying areas. 
✅ Structures such as buildings, roads, and other infrastructure absorb and re-emit the sun’s heat more than natural landscapes such as forests and water bodies. 
✅ Urban areas, where these structures are highly concentrated and greenery is limited,become “islands” of higher temperatures relative to outlying areas. 
✅ It increases the demand for energy, leads to increased greenhouse gases emissions, discomforts human health and even affects the health of flora and fauna.

▪️The major factors responsible for UHI 
✅ Anthropogenic heat  
✅ Absorption of heat
✅ Urban geometry
✅ Greenhouse effect
✅Lack of vegetation
▪️Measures that can be taken to countering UHIs
✅ Promoting natural vegetation
✅ Use of appropriate surface material
✅ Use of white pavement instead of Asphalt
✅Providing appropriate landscape

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