Thursday, August 25, 2022

Rising Instances of Avalanches in the Himalayas (Critical Analysis)


Avalanche is a rapid, downslope movement of a large detached mass of snow, ice and associated debris such as rock fragments, soil and vegetation. Recent Disaster Management Report says  that there is a rise in incidents of Avalanche in the Himalayas, e.g., Avalanche near Nanda Devi peak in Uttarakhand in 2021.  

Major Reasons for Rising instances are : 

  • Global warming led to a rise in temperature – Himalaya experienced a rise of 0.65-degree Celsius temperature in the last 25 years. It is responsible for snowmelt and instability of glaciers at high  altitudes. 
  • The step height of Himalaya – It increases gradient leading to instability in glaciers. 
  • Heavy snowfall and following intense solar rays, responsible for snowmelt 
  • Use of Dynamite for Infrastructure projects like tunnels, highways, railways resulting in loosening of rock segments.
  • Deforestation and re-forestation destabilize soil and impact compactness of earth crust, leading to high-intensity Avalanche. 

Mitigation measures for Avalanche disaster as per NDMA guidelines :

  • Structural terrain modification: Supporting structure construction to a steep slope, 
  • Direct protection structures are built immediately adjacent to the infrastructure to be protected, e.g., Rail-track, Highways. 
  • Planned release of small snow slides with explosives before large snow accumulation.
  • Zoning- No disturbance zone based on geological studies of the region, e.g., No deforestation, no infrastructural projects are being allowed in sensitive areas. 
  • Mapping areas with large seismic gaps.

Currently, scientists are not able to predict with certainty when and where avalanches will happen.  However, they can estimate hazard levels by checking on the snowpack, temperature, and wind  conditions.

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